The Royal BVI Yacht Club

The home of sailing, in the sailing capital of the world

Annual General Meeting

Notice of the 52nd Royal BVI Yacht Club AGM

The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Royal British Virgin Islands Yacht Club will be held on Tuesday 11 March at 6:00pm at the Club House.

All Members in good standing are invited to attend the meeting.

The business to be conducted at the AGM shall be:
  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 51st AGM
  2. Presentation by the Commodore of the Committee Annual Reports for 2024
  3. Presentation and adoption of the Treasurer’s accounts for 2024
  4. Appointment of the Nominating Committee
  5. Election of Officers
  6. Any other business

Officers 2025-2026
The Royal BVI Yacht Club is accepting nominations for committee members to serve through to the next AGM in 2026.

Members are requested to contact the Nominating Committee if they would like to discuss joining the board and to submit the names of persons who are willing to stand as officers. The Nominating Committee are Cindy Chestnut, Linda Phillips and Mandi Atack.

All nominations must have a nominator and a seconder and be with the agreement of the person nominated.

Note: Any Full members may nominate and second the nomination of any Full member with their agreement. This may be done in writing to the Secretary at any time prior to the meeting or at the meeting. If the nominated member is not present at the AGM, their written approval must be submitted in advance.

Note 2: Only paid up Full members in good standing are entitled to vote at the AGM or hold office in the Club. If you are unable to attend and would like to name a proxy to vote on your behalf, please contact the Secretary.

Click here to download the Notice of AGM

Click here to download the Agenda